blankOctober 4 2024

Author: MIDMAN


Here are basic steps and tips on how to get verified on Facebook business, along with some of the tools that will make your job easier.

Summary of steps:

  • Visit Business Manager’s Security Center.
  • Click on “Start verification.”
  • Provide your business details.
  • Confirm the provided business details.
  • Choose a method to confirm your connection.
  • Click “Done.”

You can also try these steps:

  • Navigate to Business Settings.
  • Initiate the Verification Process.
  • Confirm Business Details.
  • Verify your Phone Number.
  • Submit Business Documents.
  • Wait for Verification.

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Who Can Be Verified On Facebook?

Verifying means that Facebook will visibly identify you like yourself when visitors visit your page. To be eligible for verification on Facebook, your profile or page must meet four key criteria:

  • Authenticity: Must represent a real person, company, or entity.
  • Completeness: Should include essential information like a profile photo and an “About” section. Company pages must have at least one post.
  • Notability: Should belong to an organization or business with a significant customer base. Ideally, entities should sponsor individual accounts to gain media attention and protect their reputation.
  • Uniqueness: Facebook Pages are ideal for representing businesses. Verification can be done in the Events section of Facebook for Business.

Certain pages (e.g., elected officials, law enforcement agencies, city governments, politicians) may need additional documentation. Review Facebook’s verification standards on the linked page for details and contact information.

how to get verified on facebook business page
For Facebook to verify you need to ensure 4 factors: Authentic, Complete, Notable, and Unique

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How To Get Verified On Facebook Business Page

✅ Step 1: Visit Business Manager’s Security Center

Navigate to Business Manager’s Security Center.

✅ Step 2: Click on “Start verification”

Click on “Business Settings” in the left navigation bar, then select “Security Centre” from the sub-menu. Next, click on “Start Verification.

how to get business account verified on facebook

✅ Step 3: Provide your business details

Fill in essential business details: legal name, address, phone number, and website. Ensure accuracy to match the legal business entity and confirm that the website is HTTPS compliant.

If there’s no match found, upload supporting documents such as a business license or articles of incorporation to validate the entered details.

how to get blue verified badge on facebook page

✅ Step 4: Confirm the provided business details

Select a confirmation method: email, phone, text message, WhatsApp, or domain verification. For domain verification, ensure administrator access to the web hosting service or DNS provider.


  • Email (Business email domain must match website domain)
  • Phone
  • Text messages
  • WhatsApp messages
  • Domain verification (Admin access required)

how to get my business verified on facebook

✅ Step 5: Choose a method to confirm your connection

Follow the steps according to your chosen confirmation method. Facebook will send a confirmation code for email, phone, text or WhatsApp. If opting for domain verification, follow the prescribed steps.

✅ Step 6: Click “Done”.

Upon completion, click “Done” to finalize the verification process.

how to get verified on facebook as a business
Getting your Facebook Page verified is a way of having Facebook certify that you have your own identity

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Tips for Getting Business Account Verified on Facebook

Complete your profile

Ensure that your Facebook Page is complete with accurate and up-to-date information, including a detailed “About” section, contact information, website link, and a profile and cover photo representing your brand.

Build a substantial following

Facebook is more likely to verify accounts that have a significant and engaged following. Focus on growing your audience organically by creating valuable content and interacting with your followers.

Create quality content

Ensure high-quality and engaging content on your Page regularly. This may involve text, images, videos, and other media. Engage with your audience via comments and messages.

Adhere to Facebook’s policies

Ensure your business adheres to Facebook’s policies and guidelines. This means refraining from fraudulent activities, spamming, or violating community standards.

Be patient

Be patient while Facebook reviews your verification request, and continue to maintain an active and genuine presence on your page.

FAQs about How to Get Verified on Facebook Business

How long does it take to get verified?

The verification time for a Facebook account varies, typically taking anywhere from 2 to 45 days. The duration can extend, especially for business accounts, as manual review may be necessary to authenticate submitted documents.

What’s the difference between Blue and Gray Checkmarks on Facebook?

Blue checkmarks verify official status for public figures, companies, and educational institutions. Gray checkmarks denote authentic but temporarily deactivated pages.

how to get verified on facebook business page
A blue checkmark is a way to verify that your status updates come from an official source with credibility

How many followers do you need to get verified on Facebook?

Facebook has not officially disclosed the required number of followers for verification. Nevertheless, according to various sources, a minimum of 500 followers is suggested.

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Verification on Facebook is a good way to show the credibility of your profile on the social networking site. If you are a blogger or business owner, getting verified on Facebook will help you in many ways.

You will get more organic reach, more visibility, an increase in your post engagement, an increase in your followers, an increase in trust and credibility in your brand, and many other benefits.

Mid-Man hope you enjoyed our blog about how to get verified on Facebook business account. We know that knowing whether or not you’re verified is important, so we’re glad to help you out.  

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